“We’re not just here to heal— we’re here to live.”


Personally, I don’t believe that life was meant to be easy. Why? Well, if it were, it would be pretty difficult for our souls to evolve. There wouldn’t be much point in incarnating into a physical body with its own set of limitations and worldly obstacles.

What I do believe, however, is the power of the human spirit. I believe in our ability to transmute our pain, turning it into a form of personal strength and wisdom, if we allow it.

Although, what if you could imagine responding to life with greater ease.

… a life where less energy is given to anxious thoughts & countless worries- one where you actually have more energy to experience the things that bring you a sense of joy & fulfillment.

I know… It sounds too good to be true, and honestly, like a total scam. So, I’m going to be completely transparent and start by saying what human design is at its core: information.

Human Design is not for everyone. (And that’s okay!) In short, it offers you your unique, “energetic blueprint”. It’s based on the idea that when your soul incarnated into your physical body, it carried with it a specific purpose and its sole desire (pun intended) was to be expressed in the world, in alignment with the person you are and are forever becoming. Human Design is built on principles of Western Astrology and influenced by The Tree of Life from the Kabbalah, the I Ching of Ancient China, and the seven chakra system. It is a tool that is most often used as a means of better understanding the mechanics of your energetic system (your physical and nonphysical self) and therefore, how to best utilize your energy in your day-to-day life.

This means there’s more potential for you to respond to the world around you rather than react.

Responding to life offers greater opportunities, and with that can come feelings of reward & satisfaction as well as a greater sense of choice & freedom. And, not to mention the unwavering self-assuredness that comes when you are able to understand what methods and approaches best work for you and your energy type as you, yourself, are responding to the ever-fluctuating energy of the world around you. It’s a lot to keep up with! (Especially if you consider yourself an empath or highly sensitive person, otherwise known as an ‘HSP’.) It’s no wonder that we get overwhelmed at times and, sometimes, do react. It’s only natural.

Human Design offers another lens to help us foster a deeper understanding of the self as well as self-compassion.

When applied correctly, it gives us a license to do things differently—

All those “shoulds” we tend to hear growing up and hold onto, unconsciously, are brought to the light for deeper awareness and more conscious, more aligned living.

Learning more about your unique design may be beneficial if you resonate with any or several of the following:

If you find yourself…

  • playing small in an effort to be accepted by those around you or to avoid ridicule/ judgment

  • pleasing others in an effort to be accepted by those around you or to avoid ridicule/ judgment (i.e. taking on tasks that you don’t have the energy for, making impulsive decisions that don’t necessarily feel good to you in the moment)

  • relying heavily on first receiving approval from others before making a decision

  • experiencing feelings of guilt around the topic of resting

  • experiencing feelings of inadequacy or fear that you may be viewed as lazy/ unmotivated for needing to rest more frequently than others

  • feeling a constant pressure to be actively doing something, anything, regardless of whether it is fulfilling or joyful

  • struggling to trust yourself and your intuition over what you “know to be true” logically

  • struggling to view your sensitive nature as a strength rather than a weakness

  • staying in unhealthy/ unproductive environments far longer than necessary (i.e. workplace, platonic or romantic relationships, housing/ community)

  • having difficulty sticking to one pursuit of interest or feeling as though you “need a plan” out of fear of navigating life aimlessly (or out of fear of being viewed as “flaky” or “noncommital”)

  • having difficulty initiating tasks/ projects or forming alliances with people who value your input

  • experiencing long-standing feelings of bitterness, resentment, frustration, anger, and/or disappointment

Any combination of these may resonate.

What I’m here to offer is an opportunity for you to gain insight into how to essentially “hack” your unique design on an energetic level. In the human design community, it is often said that approximately 90% of learning how to master your design is understanding your energy type, its specific strategy, as well as what’s referred to as your “authority”.

So, for those completely new to the human design system or those who would like to learn the fundamentals of what’s referred to as their “chart”, I currently offer 60-minute, online readings.

What you’ll receive during your initial, 60-minute reading:

  1. An overall, in-depth summary of your energy type

  2. Your strategy, that tells you how, what, & when you are meant to invest your energy in order to most efficiently acquire what it is that you desire. Therefore, your strategy offers key information regarding how to go about making the “right” choices for you.

  3. Your authority. While your strategy offers important information regarding how to go about making the most optimal choices for you, your authority goes a step further and fine-tunes this process.

  4. Your not-self theme & signature theme (otherwise known as emotional indicators that you’re either living in alignment with your design or not)

  5. If time permits, you may also choose to explore one of the following:

    • your defined centers (how and where you specifically can harness your most consistent sources of energy)

    • your profile (which explores major life themes as well as how your personality interacts with the world around you)

    • your incarnation cross (which is comprised of roughly 70% of your personality expression and is, in short, a representation of your unique life purpose)