May Your Cup Runneth Over
I’m gonna pick on my partner here for a minute. Every weekday morning, seemingly without fail, he will be the first awake and the one to summon the caffeine gods by setting the kettle to boil, making fresh pressed coffee for us both. This simple act is one that I cherish and am grateful for. And, each time that he graciously pours me a cup, he manages to fill it to the ab-so-lute BRIM. This inevitably means that he either burns himself or me in the transporting of the overflowing mug, a trail of coffee is left from the kitchen to wherever I may be in the house at the time it’s received, or both.
Creation’s Web & Flow
Imagine waking-up every day and creating as if your livelihood depended on it. Meet Claude, an orb weaver spider who has become my latest creative mentor and… companion? While some may argue that orb weavers might not be conscious of their lifespan in the same way that we, as humans, are, imagine if you were aware of roughly how long you had to live and create? How much differently would you approach your day-to-day reality? How would this then inform what you do and how you do it?
Our Unlearning
So often, collectively, there’s discussions around the fear of failure, but what about the fear of success? How much of our doubt is tied into not only acquiring x but maintaining it (i.e. a healthy, supportive relationship, that job promotion, etc.)?