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Taking Root

Online - $25 per person

Terms like “self-care” have become somewhat of a catchphrase after having undergone a global pandemic for over a year & counting. It’s a term that’s become synonymous with luxury items or services, all in the name of consumerism. Although a weekly spa visit might be difficult to fit into your calendar between regular business hours (much less your budget), there are small acts of thoughtfulness and consideration that we can take towards ourselves that can gradually help us feel more “worth it”. Depending on the day and numerous other factors, we might hear “self-love” and roll our eyes or declare “YES!”, resonating with the sentiment.

Have you ever considered how canceling that dinner engagement because work was particularly exhausting that day or wearing what made you feel the most comfortable and confident as a form of self-love? As mundane as these choices may seem, they’re in service to your highest good because they’re honoring you, however and wherever you are, authentically.

This workshop is dedicated to you, tapping into your truest self, at your root, giving yourself what, in my opinion, are two of the most precious gifts you could offer anyone- your time and attention.

As a participant, you will be guided through mindfulness techniques & grounding exercises so that you can tend to yourself more thoughtfully anywhere & anytime you’re experiencing feelings of overwhelm or anxiety. Art is incorporated as a means of connecting with your inner child, awakening your creativity and joy as well as evoking a sense of calm. In this workshop, you will also create your very own “grounding stone” to serve as a tangible tool to connect you to your surroundings and to the Earth all while receiving distance reiki healing from a certified Level III Reiki Practitioner from the comfort of your home.

Distance reiki healing is gentle energy directed through space & time from practitioner to the recipient and can be received by anyone, anywhere they are. This relaxing energy will balance & harmonize the energetic body and is as effective at a distance as in-person. With each participant’s permission, you will receive reiki energy healing from our reiki master, Allie Rowell (Level III), as you engage in the workshop’s guided prompts.

All materials are shipped upon registration.

No artistic skill or prior experience with art or reiki (energy healing) is necessary.

Still have questions? Please don’t hesitate to ask! Click here to inquire further.

November 1

Intuitive Collage - In Person

February 11

Groove & Glow